Several countries within the OECS including St. Vincent and the Grenadines have embarked on several initiatives geared towards the transformation of their societies via digital technologies. Of specific relevance is the new Caribbean Digital Transformation Project funded by the World Bank which commenced in 2020 and will close in June 2026. This project will touch on many aspects of the pillars of our economy including innovation, investment, digital financial services, e-commerce etc. While the project touches on many important areas both nationally and regionally, it is missing a very critical component which if left unaddressed would hamper the success of this project and others to come. This is the lack of a national addressing system in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and other states of the OECS. It is the main reason why there is very little domestic e-commerce in our islands. It is also the reason why there are delays in delivery of goods and services at the domestic level which affects productivity and can have life-threatening implications where the police, fire and health officials can be delayed in responding to emergencies.