Consultation on Review of Regional Radio Spectrum Plan

(Click to view document)

The National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission is in receipt of a submission from ECTEL containing ECTEL’s Consultative Document for a proposed review of the ECTEL Regional Radio Spectrum Plan.
Comments should be emailed to: and

Or submitted to the NTRC of SVG and ECTEL at the following addresses:

Director                                                                          The Managing Director
National Telecommunication –                                 ECTEL
Regulatory Commission                                             P.O. Box 1886
P.O. Box 2368                                                              Vide Boutielle
2nd Floor NIS Building                                              Castries
Upper Bay Street                                                         St. Lucia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Fax: (784) 457-2834                                                   Fax: (758) 458-1698
All comments should be clearly marked “Comments on Review of Regional Radio Spectrum Plan”.


The initial comments period will run from the August 17, 2010 to the September 10, 2010.

Comments received from Cable & Wireless/LIME

Comments received from Digicel


The comment on comments period will run from the September 15, 2010 to the September 29, 2010.