NTRC’s icode784 Competition

The icode784 Competition is intended to give participants the chance to change the world using their imagination and creativity and to showcase our young people’s inclination towards innovation. Innovation powers entrepreneurship. We want to provide the foundation for innovation by giving participants a forum to create great inspiring ideas that could revolutionize the Vincentian Society.

We hope to encourage participants from various secondary, technical and tertiary level institutes in addition to the public from across the island to put forward ideas and mobile applications for both the public and private sectors of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to facilitate the implementation of new systems or improve existing systems within those sectors.

The competition seeks to primarily focus on the importance of idea creation and the possibilities that can develop from the seeds of innovation that are planted in the minds of our young people. That being said, participants will be challenged to develop and present projects in the form of Ideas and Mobile Applications.

The competition has been restructured this year. As such, the categories of the competition will now consist of the Secondary and Open Categories. The Secondary category will consist of entries from students attending secondary schools. Whereas, the Open category will consist of entries from the following:

  1. Anyone from the public. The age limit is 35 years.
  2. Tertiary Students (technical schools as well as students from the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College).
  3. Students from the secondary schools can enter in both secondary and open categories. There is no rule to indicate that if students enter the secondary category, they cannot enter in the open category

The competition will be held from [Dates to TBD].

Competition Dates
  1. Launch: TBD.
  2. Registration period: TBD
  3. Preliminaries: TBD
  4. Release of Preliminary Results: TBD
  5. Finals: TBD.

Registration for the competition can be done on our mobile app “NTRC’s icode784 app” which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The app is only available on the android platform.

Phases of the Competition

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 1

Phase 1- Launch of the Competition This phase officially announces the beginning of the competition. The launch will take place on September 15, 2020 and this signals the opening of registration for interested participants in the competition. Registrations will come to a close on September 25, 2020.

Phase 2

Phase 2- Preliminary Round Judging. This phase of the competition will begin on October 13, 2020 and will to come to an end on October 15, 2020. During this phase, Preliminary Judging will take place in both categories of the competition. The finalists will be published on the NTRC’s website, Instagram and Facebook Pages.

Phase 3

Phase 3- Grand Finale. The Grand Finale concludes the Competition. During this phase, the final judging will take place for all finalists for both categories of the competition. The winners from each category will then be presented with their prizes. The Grand Finale will take place on November 10, 2020.

Past Entries

View Past icode784 Entries Here



Submissions should clearly outline all the resources (human, equipment etc.) and procedures necessary for successful implementation of the Mobile Application / Idea. All procedures should be itemized, clearly outlined and must be practical.

Submissions must be able to show how the businesses that provide services in the private sector or department in the public sector will be able to benefit financially from the implementation of the Mobile Application / Idea outlined. The Mobile Application / Idea must also be beneficial in the sense of improving existing services or the rate at which those services are offered.

Submissions for this competition should be in one of the following forms:


Secondary Category

Mobile App

First Place

EC$4,000.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Second Place

EC$2,000.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Third Place

EC$1,500.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Innovative Ideas

First Place

EC$2,000.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Second Place

EC$800.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Third Place

EC$1,500.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Open Category

Mobile App

First Place

EC$5,000.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Second Place

EC$2,500.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Third Place

EC$1,500.00 Cash Prize compliments NTRC

Other Prizes

  1. Two (2) persons from the winning team along with their mentor from the Secondary Mobile Application Category will win a trip to Barcelona, Spain in March 2021 to attend a 4YFN (4 Years From Now) event hosted by GSMA. 4 Years From Now [4YFN] is the startup business platform that enables startups, investors and companies to connect and launch new business ventures together. During the 3 days of 4YFN there will be many keynotes, panels, fireside chats, and startup competitions taking place across the many stages and workshops.
  2. The School with the most entries will receive a cash prize of $1000.
  3. The Mentor for the winning team  for the Secondary Idea Category-$750.00
  4. The mentor for the winning team  for the Secondary Mobile Category-$1,000.00
  5. Mentors are not required for the Open Category, as such a prize is not applicable for mentors in this category.
  6. Trophies will be presented to the first place teams for each category.